How Marketers Can Crush Their Numbers Through Precise Targeting and Segmentation

Your customers are already telling you what you need to know, the question is are you listening?

It’s estimated that the average consumer sees about 3,000 marketing messages a day. The fatigue these messages create for the average customer is larger than it has ever been, and has caused the consumer’s attention to be fractured, at best. Yet, that doesn’t mean they are unwilling to be marketed to, it just means your brand needs to put down the blunt strategy and embrace precision. Through the latest advancements in segmentation and targeting, brands have more opportunity to serve relevant marketing messages to consumers than ever before.

Marketing With Purpose

If a customer frequents a store like Target for home decor and electronics, serving them content applicable to toiletries and baby products isn’t going to drive purchase and only clouds the shopping experience. But knowing what that customer turns to your brand for, and catering your messaging towards that, will drive success and purchase.

Brands have plenty of opportunity to find consumers when they are looking to educate themselves on your brand or products, and to direct relevant ads or messaging  to them when they are ready to purchase—but not enough brands are taking advantage of it. Instead of hitting your customers over the head with obtuse messaging, segmenting your consumers out by interest and affinity allows your brand to target based on their needs, and cater the right promotions to them at the right time.

Marketing With Precision

Nearly 90% of marketers agree that personalizing the customer experience is critical to success. Clickbait sucks. Irrelevant messaging is worse. But today’s digital channels have offered a path to success. Leveraging resources like Facebook’s Custom Audiences, and various other pixel-driven retargeting options, brands can gain more insight into their customers and prospective customers than ever before. This information is not just important, it’s crucial, and it allows brands to focus on the insurmountable task of keeping their customers interested, active, and engaged.

Kicking your retargeting up a notch

Keeping customers engaged is helpful, but take it beyond that and know exactly what it is they’re engaging with. Brands are most successful when they get hyper-targeted with their audiences. Knowing who visited your website, or product sale page are an ok start, but enlisting technology to automatically build an audience based on who actually viewed specific content like a YouTube video or the individuals who click on a tweet, enable the kind of targeted approach that will directly impact the bottom line and ensure your paid audiences are top performers.